Sistem Kontrol Lampu Menggunakan Telegram Berbasis Android Dengan Mikrokontroler NodeMCU ESP8266 (Studi Kasus : Kampung Kebon Kopi RT.05 RW.04 Pondok Betung)


  • Dewi Safutri Universitas Pamulang
  • Hadi Zakaria Universitas Pamulang


Village, Iot (Internet Of Things), Telegram, Monitoring, Nodemcu Microcontroller.


Village Kebon Kopi Pondok Betung is one of the villages located in the Pondok Betung area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang. This residential area is quite developed. This is due to its location which is directly adjacent to the DKI Jakarta Province. And the residents of the house in this village are quite dense, but many houses still use manual light control. Manually controlling the lights certainly has drawbacks, as often happens in this village, the owner often leaves the house with the lights on, this can lead to a waste of electricity and a short circuit in the lamp if it is constantly on. Based on the above problems, the researchers designed a Lamp Control System Using Android-Based Telegram with NodeMCU Esp8266 Microcontroller, where researchers used applied research methods which are research methods carried out with the intention of applying, testing, and evaluating the ability of a theory that is applied in solving practical problems. . However, researchers also use IoT (Internet of Things) technology and Internet Messenging Applications, namely Telegram. Where this IoT technology is a technology that utilizes an internet network connected to a light network via sensors, namely the NodeMCU Esp9266 Microcontroller. While the Telegram application is used as an aid to make it easier to monitor or control both turning on and off lights remotely using the application. From the results of this study, it can be expected that this control system can assist in controlling or controlling lights easily and practically remotely using the telegram application.


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How to Cite

Dewi Safutri, & Hadi Zakaria. (2022). Sistem Kontrol Lampu Menggunakan Telegram Berbasis Android Dengan Mikrokontroler NodeMCU ESP8266 (Studi Kasus : Kampung Kebon Kopi RT.05 RW.04 Pondok Betung). OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains, 1(09), 1490–1495. Retrieved from