Sistem Aplikasi Situs Web Hijab Aulya


  • Alvinda Shahrul Universitas Pamulang
  • Bagas Gemilang Riady Universitas Pamulang
  • Iqbal Fahrozi Universitas Pamulang
  • Nandar Rustandar Universitas Pamulang
  • Aries Saifudin Universitas Pamulang


Sales, Hijab, Website Aplication


One of the most modern options for clients, particularly youth and modern working women, is to purchase a hijab online. due to the expansion of the technological era and the increased adoption of the headscarf by women. Consequently, to facilitate shopping for customers and a website was developed to sell hijabs online in order to expand the hijab business for businesses. The approach taken is a software development technique, which has five stages that must be completed: system requirements, software requirements specifications, design, implementation, and testing. These stages are also where the findings from the online hijab study are included. Conclusion: By building a website application in line with customer expectations, it is possible to rekindle online shoppers' enthusiasm and make things simpler for them.


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How to Cite

Alvinda Shahrul, Bagas Gemilang Riady, Iqbal Fahrozi, Nandar Rustandar, & Aries Saifudin. (2023). Sistem Aplikasi Situs Web Hijab Aulya. OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains, 2(04), 1163–1170. Retrieved from

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