Pendeteksian Multi Objek Menggunakan Template Matching


  • Arlin Purnomo Universitas Pamulang


Template Matching,, Correlation, Object Detection, Image


Object is a conceptual form or object that exists in our environment, object tracking aims to detect and follow the position of a desired moving object, object tracking is needed by various kinds of vision based applications such as human computer interfaces, video compression/communication and security systems. Template matching is a method used to measure the similarity of an image with a template image, by searching for certain features of both. The similarity of two images can be calculated by calculating the correlation value. The researcher identified that the problems faced were: there was no research that applied a method to detect multi-object objects. The purpose of this study is to apply the template matching method to detect multi-object objects, namely character objects, faces and objects in the form of animals. The results of this study prove that template matching can detect multi-object objects.


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How to Cite

Arlin Purnomo. (2023). Pendeteksian Multi Objek Menggunakan Template Matching. OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains, 2(02), 657–663. Retrieved from