Asking, Commanding, And Telling In “Over The Moon” Movie: A Study Of Directive Illocutionary Act
Illocutionary Act, Directive, Context Of SituationAbstract
The study aims to answer the research problem, which includes: (1) determining the 3 types of directive illocutionary act used by the characters in Over the Moon movie, and (2) analyzing the context of the situation of selected utterances expressed by the characters in Over the Moon movie. This research only focused on 3 kinds of directive illocutionary act, namely asking, commanding, and telling. The descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the data, and the quantitative method was used to determine the frequency of the type directive illocutionary act found in the movie. In analyzing directive illocutionary act, the writer used theory from Searle and Vanderveken (1985) and analyzing the context of situation, the writer used theory from Halliday and Hassan (1989). There were 90 utterances found in that 3 types of directive illocutionary act as the result of this study. Asking act becomes dominant directive illocutionary act occured in this analysis, it took 39 utterances from 90 utterances. The second rank was commanding act, it took 27 utterances. Then the least occurrence act is telling act, it only appeared in 25 utterances. This study also focused to analyze the context of each utterance made by the characters in the movie, with the context of situation consisting of field, tenor, and mode..
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