Berbahagialah Mereka Yang Suci Hatinya Karena Mereka Akan Melihat Allah
Sebuah Tinjauan Teologis Perspektif Injil Matius 5:8
Sabda Bahagia, Suci Hati, Melihat Allah, Kaum Kristiani, Keutamaan TeologalAbstract
The Beatitudes are a moral teaching in the Catholic faith which is actually a teaching about the theological virtues that must be lived in the life of Christians, namely faith, hope and love. One of the points in the Beatitudes is "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God". This is an inspiration for Christians to manage life here and now, in a direction towards the desired final happiness, namely seeing the face of God in eternal life. This research aims to explore the theological meaning contained in one of the main points of the Beatitudes spoken by Jesus. The method used is library research with a descriptive analysis approach. The results obtained are a picture of Christians who live the three theological virtues, namely faith, hope and love. By consistently and consistently living these three virtues in life, a pure heart is formed, so that the Christian man can see God or experience God.
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