Pemilihan Sekolah Dengan Model Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting
Decision Support System, Simple Additive WeightingAbstract
Abstract at this time matching schools with student interests is not an easy thing. Because the criteria for
students are different in choosing a school. And nowadays we can find information about the school we want to visit
on the internet. In this study a Decision Support System (DSS) can help in solving these problems assisted by Simple
Additive Weighting (SAW) which is used in solving small unstructured problems. By using this method, decision
making can also be effective. In this article the author checks and applies the SAW method to get the right school.
The characters needed include costs such as construction costs, monthly fees, status in school accreditation,
assessment in the national final exam (UAN), extracurricular activities, and qualified facilities, as well as the
distance from school to home.
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