BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora 2023-06-08T00:00:00+00:00 Buletin Ilmu Komputer, Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Open Journal Systems <p>BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora</p> <p>Hasil Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat</p> <p>jurnal ini dengan scope :</p> <p>- Ilmu Komputer seperti Sistem Informasi, Teknik Komputer, IOT dan bidang lain dalam dunia komputer)</p> <p>- Hukum</p> <p>- Kesehatan</p> <p>- Kewirausahaan</p> <p>- Pendidikan</p> <p>- Sosial Humaniora seperti Manajemen, Pendidikan, Terapan</p> Perbandingan Metode SAW, WP dan TOPSIS Dalam Penerimaan Karyawan 2022-12-15T13:52:45+00:00 Ade Hidayat Dimas Ragil Kuncoro Haryo Dwi Prasetio Sirojudin Malik Aziz <p><em>In companies, it is really no stranger to opening job vacancies, even companies really need employees to support productivity and maybe it will become a necessity for every company. The process of selecting employees from selection based on certain criteria that have different assessment weights. To determine the decision making decision support system (DSS) is one of the tools in solving the problem. Simple Additive Weight ( SAW), Product Weight (WP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) are methods in SPK that are widely used to solve decision making that has many criteria and ranking systems. This study compares the three methods of SAW, WP and TOPSIS in hiring. Based on the calculation results, it is found that the three methods can produce an employee acceptance sequence.</em></p> 2023-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Perbandingan Metode SAW, WP, dan TOPSIS Dalam Pemilihan Smartphone Terbaik 2022-12-15T13:47:47+00:00 Maulana Sutan Akbar Muhammad Farhan Mustofa Hani Syakir Trifosa Reinhard Suprapto Perani Rosyani <p><em>Having a smartphone nowadays is a natural thing, especially in times like today, almost anything can be done using just a smartphone. However, the many vendors/brands and choices of smartphone models on the market make many people confused when they want to buy a smartphone that suits their needs. To overcome this problem, we use a decision-making system to assist prospective buyers in determining the smartphone that suits their needs. We also use three decision-making system methods, namely Simple Additive Weight (SAW), Weighted Product (WP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to ensure that the results obtained are accurate. After testing, we found that the three methods showed the same results in determining the Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC as the best smartphone, with a SAW preference value of 0.92, a WP value of 0.178 and a TOPSIS value of 0.6605310803</em></p> 2023-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemilihan Dosen Terbaik Dengan Metode SAW, WP dan TOPSIS 2022-12-15T15:25:50+00:00 Abiezar Nur Fajriansyah Fatur Rohman Muhammad Rizki Diko Purwo Sulistyanto Perani Rosyani <p><em>Decision support system is a computer-based information system that aims to solve a problem and is used for making a decision. The selection of the best lecturer is a problem that requires several assessment processes, so that in its completion a decision support system is needed, there are several methods in solving decision support systems for selecting outstanding students using 3 methods, namely the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, the Weighted Product (WP) method. and the Topsis method. In selecting the best lecturer, of course, requires a decision support system that is able to process each lecturer's data to produce a conclusion value as an alternative decision to determine which lecturer is considered the best. The best lecturer selection system used to support learning activities and teaching on campus in order to create students who competent in the field of concentration taken, then a teacher or lecturer is required competent in their field, in this case to fulfill the criteria for competent lecturers are needed a system that supports in terms of deciding the best lecturer. Currently the selection of lecturers the best is still done by spreading questionnaire to students and recapitulating the results of the questionnaire The results of the questionnaire will be used later as a reference for choosing the best lecturer.</em></p> 2023-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemilihan Sepeda Motor Terbaik Menggunakan Metode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), Metode WP (Weighted Product) dan Metode TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) 2022-12-16T04:31:40+00:00 Aura Amalia Warzuqni Leony Fristy Turnip Shindy Qurani Rahim Zara Agustin Perani Rosyani <p><em>With the increase in population, the need for motorcycle transportation is also increasing. Many motorcycle manufacturers issue products with various brands and designs, so that consumers have many choices when they want to buy a motorcycle. In this research, the selection of the best motorbike will be carried out by comparison using three methods in order to get the best solution in the selection. The decision support system method used is the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) Method, the WP (Weighted Product) Method and the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) Method, but the results of the three methods may vary, so it is necessary to observation to compare the best results. The results of the calculation using the SAW method with the highest ranking is the first alternative, namely Honda with a value of 0.587, using the WP method the highest ranking is the first alternative, namely Honda with a value of 0.358, and the highest ranking TOPSIS is the first alternative, namely Honda with a value of 0.545.</em></p> 2023-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Smartphone Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting, Weighted Product Dan TOPSIS 2022-12-16T14:44:49+00:00 Mila Belda Delphine Zulhas Arniati Burara Divia Putri Sabilla Martina Halimah Perani Rosyani <p><em>With today's technological developments, there are many smartphone providers that provide a variety of modern and unique features. Smartphones or so-called smart phones are multimedia that combines the functionality of PCs and handsets to produce luxurious gadgets, where there are text messages, cameras, music players, videos, games, email access, search engines, personal information managers, and so on. Smartphones are electronic devices that are owned by almost everyone in various parts of the world. The ability to do more than call and SMS functions makes many manufacturers compete to create sophisticated technology to make their products best-selling. The method used by the smartphone selection system uses three methods, namely, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), Weighted Product (WP) Method and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) Method. For this reason, a system is needed that can help consumers to choose a smartphone that suits their wants and needs. A decision support system (DSS) is an implementation of an information system that is used to assist decision making based on a predetermined method. From these problems, a solution can be used to solve the problem by using a decision support system. With the aim that is expected to facilitate in determining the decision to choose a smartphone in accordance with the wishes and needs of these consumers.</em></p> 2023-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Analisa Komparasi Metode SAW, WP Dan TOPSIS Dalam Penentuan Pinjaman KOPERASI VENTURA 2022-12-17T00:52:51+00:00 Wahyu Riandi Ferry Lesmana Federick Deni Alviansyah Andyansyah <p><em>Organization or company. Making decisions to determine payments is very useful because by making the right decisions, lending can run smoothly. loans/financing of funds to 100,000 MSMEs. The SAW method is a method that has a function to find the best results from various shortcuts. the SAW method is to determine the weight of the value of each attribute, then choose various predetermined alternatives so that one alternative is selected. This method usually evaluates alternative criteria against attributes and criteria. TOPSIS has a basic design which states that the chosen alternative that has the shortest distance from the positive value will still have a negative value distance. SAW method accuracy test is only 60%. test the accuracy of the WP method. It can be concluded that the level of accuracy is 85%. Test the accuracy of the Topsis method is only 50%. a. Of the three methods SAW, WP, TOPSIS can help reduce subjective judgments in determining lending. b. Among the SAW, WP AND TOPSIS methods, it appears that the WP method is more accurate than the SAW and TOPSIS methods. It can be seen from the results of the accuracy of the three methods, the WP method gets the highest score of 85%.</em></p> 2023-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Menentukan Lokasi Penyebaran Media Promosi Dengan Metode Simple Addictive Weighting, Weighted Product, dan Topsis 2022-12-17T10:38:02+00:00 Maulana Putra Dewa Muhamad Iqbal Tawakal Muhamad Sabri Muhammad Alfin Al Azka Perani Rosyani <p><em>Serang City Informatics Vocational School is one of the Vocational Schools in Serang City which always conducts promotions every year to get students. Currently the spread of promotional media is done without using a measurable method. So that a lot of promotional media is wasted without getting the right results. In this study, researchers tried to research what decision support methods were most appropriate to solve this case. The researcher proposes 3 methods, namely Simple Additive Weight (SAW), Product Weight (WP), and Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) which are subjected to sensitivity tests. From the results of testing the methods used from the three methods TOPSIS, SAW and WP yielded different results. The use of the sensitivity test resulted in a method that was in accordance with this case study, namely the topsis method. With a change in TOPSIS value of 1.59%, SAW of 1% and WP of 0.288%</em></p> 2023-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Menentukan Titik Lokasi Repeater Internet Wireless Dengan Metode Simple Addictive Weighting, Weighted Product, dan TOPSIS 2022-12-18T12:50:34+00:00 A Farhan Alwi Permana Khoirul Umam Muhammad Sultan Muhammad Imran Perani Rosyani <p><em>Minister of Transportation Decree No. 2 of 2005, regarding permits to use the frequency 2400 - 2483.5 MHz and Permen No. 27 of 2009 BWA 5.8 GHz Class Permits, provide an opportunity for wireless internet network service providers (ISPs) to provide services in hilly areas and areas with not yet covered by the internet. Wireless is currently the main choice to overcome this, until now there are still many areas that are not yet covered by the internet, and this is a great opportunity for internet service providers to provide quality services. Wireless internet network infrastructure consists of transmitters and receiver, emits an electromagnetic signal and is received by the wireless client. Wireless internet service managers will be helped by a system that can support decision making. The methods used are Weighted Product (WP), Simple Additive Weighting Method (SAW) and TOPSIS (Technique For Order Preference By Similary To Ideal Solution) in solving the problem of determining the best location for repeaters. In this research process, the results of the 3 methods will be subjected to a sensitivity test process to find the most appropriate method for this problem. The results of the analysis of the two methods after going through the sensitivity test process, it was found that the SAW method was the most appropriate in solving this case. This aims to assist decision making based on the best alternative value.</em></p> 2023-02-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Metode Pembayaran Non Tunai Multi Payment Pencucian Mobil 2022-12-20T11:31:15+00:00 Halim Wijaya Muhamad Mustofa Ramadhan Ardiana Arif Wahyudin Aries Saifudin <p><em>The purpose of this study was to develop a mobile application for use at a car wash in the city of Bogor that accepts electronic payments in lieu of paper money or cash. Due to the convenience and security offered by this traditional cash payment alternative, more and more business owners are adopting it. The EXO Wash and Care car wash business is the case study for this study. This means that the study was conducted using the waterfall software development method. The four phases that make up the waterfall approach are analysis, design, development, and testing. To overcome various management problems at the EXO Wash and Care Bogor car wash, this study recommends the application of a non-cash payment application based on QR Code technology.</em></p> 2023-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora Sistem Perancangan Alat Penyortiran Kualitas Sayur Terong Berdasarkan Ukuran Dan Warna Berbasis Arduino 2023-01-06T02:27:02+00:00 Erlan Rizaldi <p><em>At this time there is still a lot of agricultural work that uses labor in carrying out production activities and completing the process after eggplant production, including the process of sorting vegetables. Vegetable sorting is the stage of separating harvested vegetables based on the level of color and size of the vegetables, marked by the difference in the color of the eggplants. Generally, in Indonesia, eggplants that are often encountered have 2 colors, namely: Purple and Green. Purple eggplant is an eggplant that has a shiny skin, oval in shape, fuller and widened at the end, while green eggplant has a long shape and has a hard texture, is denser, thicker, softer, tastes slightly sour and slightly bitter because it contains alkaloids. nicotinoids, and have more seeds. The grouping of eggplants in several agricultural industries is currently still carried out in the conventional way. This process has drawbacks because humans have limited time to work on and think and often feel bored or negligent when doing sorting activities for a long time. The design of this Arduino-based system can help ease human work as a vegetable separator controller based on size and color which is equipped with a TCS3200 sensor and Servo Motor as a separator.</em></p> 2023-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan dan Sosial Humaniora