Kaum Beriman Kristiani Dan Peran Sosial Politik: Dipanggil Menjadi Utusan Bonum Commune Di Tahun Politik


  • Ferdianus Gato Ma Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang


Kaum Beriman Kristiani, Peran Sosial Politik, Bonum Commune, Tahun Politik


Christian believers are at the same time members of the Church and citizens of the State. In the context of national and state life, the socio-political role of Christian believers is seen as participation in the struggle to realize national ideals, namely the bonum commune for all citizens or in the terminology of the Pancasila principle, the fifth principle, social justice for all Indonesian people. In facing the democratic party in the political year 2024, this social and political role is increasingly being emphasized because political phenomena show a degradation of ethical values ​​in politics. Using literature research methods based on political philosophical discourse and theological reflections on the holy books, this national political phenomenon is analyzed by putting forward ideal ideas that inspire Christian believers to play an active role in efforts to realize the bonum commune. The results of this analysis show that the social and political role of Christian believers is very important to realize as an apostolic calling and mission as inspired by Paul in the Letter to Romans 1:2-7.


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How to Cite

Gato Ma, F. . (2024). Kaum Beriman Kristiani Dan Peran Sosial Politik: Dipanggil Menjadi Utusan Bonum Commune Di Tahun Politik. BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu, 3(1), 14–20. Retrieved from https://journal.mediapublikasi.id/index.php/bullet/article/view/3995