Implementasi Program Coaching Guru Senior Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Guru-Guru Muda Di SMP Negeri 21 Kota KupangTahun Pelajaran 2023/2024
Coaching, Guru Senior, Guru Muda, Keterampilan MengajarAbstract
This research aims to enhance the basic teaching skills of young teachers at Public Junior High School 21 in the city of Kupang through a senior teacher coaching program during the academic year 2023/2024. This school action research consists of three cycles: pre-cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II. In the pre-cycle phase, the initial evaluation revealed that a significant portion of the teachers had low levels of basic skills, with only 45% being considered "Proficient" in teaching skills. The senior teacher coaching program was then implemented in Cycle I, resulting in a significant improvement in the average total scores of teachers as well as an increase in the percentage of teachers deemed "Proficient" and a decrease in the percentage of teachers deemed "Not Proficient." In Cycle I, the percentage of proficient teachers increased to 70%. Cycle II showed even more positive results, with further improvement in the average total scores of teachers and an increase in the percentage of proficient teachers. By the end of this research, a total of 85% of teachers were considered "Proficient" in basic teaching skills. This research confirms that the senior teacher coaching program is effective in enhancing the teaching skills of young teachers at Public Junior High School 21 in Kupang.
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