Hubungan Aroma Terapi Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pada Remaja Insomnia Di Pondok Pesantren AL-Muhajirin Purwakarta
−An Humans as living beings have some basic biological needs, including sleep. At the age of 12-18 years, the need for a healthy sleep is 8-9 hours. Sleep is something that humans need that must be fulfilled. If someone can't do it, then someone is thought to have sleep disorder or insomnia. Insomnia is a condition when a person has difficulty initiating sleep or difficulty maintaining sleep or early-morning awakening. Based on data from the WHO, approximately 18% of the world's population is affected by sleep disorders or interpreted 1 in 3 individuals suffers from insomnia. Meanwhile, the prevalence of insomnia in Indonesia is estimated at 28% of the total 238 million Indonesian population Controlling insomnia is to maximize healthy sleep patterns, one of which is non-pharmacological therapy that can be used to improve sleep quality, namely using aromatherapy. On this basis, the researcher wanted to know the relationship between giving aromatherapy to insomniac teenagers at Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School, Purwakarta. The methodology of this research is experimental, using a quasi-experimental design on 80 students with insomnia which was conducted at Pondok Pesantren Al-Muhajirin Purwakarta in April-May 2022, samples were taken by random sampling. Analysis of the data using the chi-square statistical test. The results of this study obtained a significant relationship between the administration of aromatherapy and insomnia, with a p-value of 0.041 (p-value <0.05). This study concludes that the provision of aromatherapy for insomnia affects the improvement of sleep quality in students at the Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School, Purwakarta.
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