Penyuluhan Tentang Pentingnya Vaksinasi Covid 19 di Desa Mantantimali Kecamatan Marawola Barat Kabupaten Sigi Sulawesi Tengah


  • Imelda Kantohe Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Jaya


penyuluhan, vaksinasi, covid-19


Covid-19 has attacked Indonesia since early 2020 and the positive confirmation number continues
to increase until now. In February 2022, the total number of positive confirmations in Indonesia was 6,001,751
with deaths reaching 154,774 deaths. In Central Sulawesi alone positive confirmed cases reached 60,256 cases
with deaths reaching 1,701 deaths as of March 2022 (Dinkes Prov.Sulteng, 2022). SARSCoV-2, the virus that
causes Covid-19, can pass from human to human very quickly through the mucous membranes of the mouth,
nose and eyes in the form of respiratory droplets of infected individuals. So far, preventive measures have been
taken through social distancing, wearing masks when leaving the house and communicating, and always
maintaining hand and body hygiene (Prastyowati, 2020). However, with the continued increase in positive
cases and death rates, the production of antiviral drugs and vaccines for Covid-19 is urgently needed, where
these vaccines are being developed by several pharmaceutical industries and the WHO. According to a WHO
survey on the readiness of the world community to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, the readiness of the Indonesian
people only reached 57%. According to John Hopkins, Member of the WHO Communication Center
Programme, the level of acceptance of the Indonesian people for this vaccine is so low that the cause must be
identified so that efforts can be made to increase this acceptance. Furthermore, according to a molecular
biologist in Indonesia, one of the reasons for this low acceptance is the low level of public trust, so the
government must take a special approach to the community to increase this trust. In addition to trust issues,
fear of a Covid-19 vaccine is also increasing. This high level of distrust and fear is largely due to the ambiguity
of information received from social media. The amount of incorrect information resulted in a confusion of
information received by the public (Rinaldi and Yuniasanti, 2020).


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How to Cite

Imelda Kantohe. (2022). Penyuluhan Tentang Pentingnya Vaksinasi Covid 19 di Desa Mantantimali Kecamatan Marawola Barat Kabupaten Sigi Sulawesi Tengah. AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(02), 60–63. Retrieved from