AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2025-01-27T08:22:17+00:00 Admin AMMA Open Journal Systems <p><strong>AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk scope Multidisiplin Ilmu. Dengan <a title="link AMMA" href="">No. ISSN 2828-6634 (Media Online)</a>. Terbit 12 kali dalam setahun dengan scope keilmuan </strong><strong>seperti :</strong></p> <p>- Ilmu Komputer<br />- Kemasyarakatan<br />- Manajemen<br />- Ekonomi<br />- Manajemen<br />- Agama<br />- Ilmu Hukum<br />- Pendidikan<br />- Pertanian<br />- Sastra<br />- Teknik<br />- Dan Bidang Ilmu Lainnya</p> <p> </p> <p>Publisher Jurnal ini adalah <strong>CV. Multi Kreasi Media</strong> yang bergerak di Bidang IT</p> Pendampingan Keluarga Anak Stunting, Wasting, Obesitas Dan Ibu Hamil Kurang Energi Kronik Kelurahan Tanjung Barat, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Kota Jakarta Selatan 2025-01-03T17:10:20+00:00 Sugeng Wiyono Mochamad Rachmat Rosmida M. Marbun Meilinasari Apriliani Nur Rizky Evha Putri Ramadanti Venny Putri Wulandari Ilyas Kamal Samudra Tiara Etisya Arief Sabrina Nursa'bani Suprapto Miranti Medryarina Kurniasih <p>Presiden&nbsp; Joko Widodo memimpikan&nbsp; pada 2085 sumberdaya manusia Indonesia yang kecerdasannya mengungguli bangsa-bangsa di dunia. Untuk bidang kesehatan terjadi peningkatan usia harapan hidup, peningkatan kualitas hidup dan peningkatan sistem kesehatan yang lebih baikSurvei Status Gizi Indonesia (SSGI) 2023 menunjukkan anak balita wasting 7,7%, underweight 17,1%,&nbsp; overweight 3,5%, stunting&nbsp; 21,6% dan ibu hamil Kurang Energi Kronik (KEK) tercapai 8,7%. Pengabdian masyarakat Skema Program Pengembangan Desa bertujuan untuk emaksimalkan komponen Program Indonesia Sehat <strong>&nbsp;</strong>Pendekatan Keluarga (PIS-PK).Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta pendampingan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mendapat respon positif dari pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat untuk dapat diteruskan.&nbsp; Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta pendampingan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mendapat respon positif dari pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat untuk dapat diteruskan</p> 2025-01-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mengapa AI Penting? Menggali Potensi dan Peluang dari Teknologi Cerdas di SMK Nusantara 01 Ciputat 2024-12-20T08:26:21+00:00 Gabriel Adelfina Muhamad Hafizh Araja Andri Kurniawan Arizal Almuttaqin Gian Rizki Chadiman Muhammad Ihsan Muhammad Leza Hakiri Narto Sidik Permana Tiara Dwi Puspita Wildan Bayu Samudra Hardiansyah <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) merupakan teknologi yang semakin penting dalam kehidupan modern, khususnya di era digital yang sangat kompetitif. Namun, literasi AI di kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) masih rendah, sehingga menghambat kesiapan mereka dalam memasuki dunia kerja berbasis teknologi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi tentang AI kepada siswa SMK Nusantara 01 Ciputat melalui sesi teori. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep dan aplikasi AI, meskipun terdapat beberapa kendala seperti waktu pelatihan yang terbatas. Artikel ini memberikan analisis rinci tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan, hasil, serta rekomendasi untuk implementasi lebih lanjut.</p> 2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Penyuluhan Pengelolaan Sampah dengan Metode Pemilahan di Sukahati, Kabupaten Bogor 2025-01-03T09:46:46+00:00 Mohamad Hery Saripudin Syahrul Salam Aan Setiadarma Yuliani Widianingsih <p>&nbsp;This counselling aims to increase participants' knowledge and awareness regarding household waste sorting practices. Negligent behaviour towards waste sorting impacts the mixing of waste and can lead to the accumulation of waste that is not managed properly. This can cause waste problems in the area, so active community participation to help sort waste from the household level is very much needed. The community service carried out this time is counselling that takes place bravely. The participants involved are residents of the Sukahati area, Bogor Regency. The counselling is also supported by tracing the participants' understanding using pre-test and post-test questionnaires. Based on this service, the community service team has made efforts to increase participants' knowledge regarding awareness and knowledge of participants regarding waste sorting.</p> 2024-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sosialisasi Peranan Digital Marketing Bagi Pelaku UMKM Di Desa Bandar Khalipah 2025-01-03T03:26:06+00:00 Revita Sari Abdul Riduan <p><em>In community service activities in Bandar Khalipah Village, Percut Sei Tuan, North Sumatra, it was found that MSME actors still use traditional promotional methods, such as brochures and verbal information delivery.</em><em> This deficiency limits the movement of MSMEs to the local environment. In the digital era, social media is an effective tool for reaching a wider target market. Social media allows for fast and easy-to-share information dissemination, and provides feedback that can be immediately accessed and analyzed. Therefore, the author decided to conduct promotional socialization activities through digital marketing to develop the MSME sales market in Bandar Khalipah Village so that the public knows how important promotion and sales are on social media.</em></p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pemetaan Potensi Desa Tempos Berdasarkan Kondisi Lingkungan Dan Penduduk 2025-01-05T23:14:08+00:00 Ricko Dearto Della Salsabillah Nunaya JN Budi Sukma Wardani Armi Pratiwi Ainun Jaaryya Ayang Anissa Nurjahratun Lalis Aliana M. Rafiandy Rizki Asgar Fakhmi Caesar Rakhmadi Budi Hartono Ida Ayu Oka Suwati Sideman <p><em>The development of a region's potential should be guided by mapping the region's potential, so that regional development becomes focused and sustainable. The three components that are considered are environemntal conditions, social conditions of society and economic conditions. Based on this, Tempos village, which is located in West Lombok, has the potential for development towards agrotourism, because the physical condition of the road is formed following the contour of the hilly area, the dominant area functions as agricultural land, the majority of the population is of working age with gender conditions close to equal but the level of education is still low. need training in the future. The community service method used is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, where the community is involved from data collection to the formulation of results so that the continuity of the program without assistance will still run well. </em></p> 2024-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pengenalan Teknologi Artificial Intelligence Untuk Guru Dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran Di SMA Alia Islamic School 2025-01-08T02:24:22+00:00 Meidy Fajar Wahyu Yuda Samudra Lely Panca Andriyanto <p><em>One aspect that supports teaching and learning activities in the 21st century is mastery of aspects of digital technology for the use of cyberspace. This is also explained in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers that a teacher must have four competencies, namely pedagogical, personality, social and professional competencies. With this law, it is hoped that it will provide an opportunity for teachers to increase their professionalism through training held in scientific forums. However, there are several obstacles that teachers still face in improving their professionalism, one of which is mastery of technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an application and a series of instructions related to programming where the results will look like from a human perspective. Apart from that, the reach of this technology has been used widely, including in the education sector. The implementation of AI in the education sector has had many positive impacts. Some of the positive impacts of applying AI in the education sector are increasing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as the development of fun learning methods. This activity aims to explain the development of the Introduction of Artificial Intelligence Technology for Teachers in Improving Learning and its impact on modern society. We will look at the role of Artificial Intelligence in creating vibrant social networks, the emergence of leading social networking sites, and the shift from traditional media to social media. In addition, we will also discuss the concept of Artificial Intelligence and the potential it has in changing the way we search for and manage information. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence Technology for Teachers in Improving Learning at SMA ALIA Islamic School Tangerang, aims to enable teachers to be aware of developments in Artificial Intelligence technology, especially in today's digital world. The Community Service Team coordinates with the principal and deputy principal to hold activities for students at ALIA Islamic School.</em></p> 2025-01-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sosialisasi Tentang Cyber Crime Dan Cyber Law Kepada Angkatan Muda Gereja Sion Sanggeng-Manokwari 2025-01-06T12:25:34+00:00 Risma Petrus Joice Pangulimang Mardewi Jennis Tonapa Yuliana Sangka Sabinus Rainer N.Christi <p><em>An interesting issue among Indonesian society is about cybercrime and cyberlaw along with the development of technology and information that has an impact on two sides, namely positive and negative impacts on society. The negative impact of the presence of information technology that is developing so rapidly cannot be avoided. Various negative impacts that must be faced by people who lack knowledge about cybercrime and cyberlaw. The results of the implementation of socialization for the young generation of the Sion Sanggeng-Manokwari church can better understand cybercrime and cyberlaw in order to prevent and avoid cyber crime so as not to become victims or perpetrators of crimes on the digital platforms used. The implementation of this socialization uses lecture methods, simulations and questions and answers around the topics of cybercrime and cyberlaw.</em></p> 2025-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pelatihan & Sertifikasi Kompetensi Klaster Servis Sepeda Motor Karburator Untuk Masyarakat Ciwidey Jawa Barat 2025-01-07T07:50:43+00:00 Adri Maldi Subardjah Mokhamad Munir Fahmi Budi Triyono Dibyo Setiawan Apri Setiawan Sulistianto Sunaryo Jumari Cahyo Wibowo <p><em>The CSR program is a sustainable commitment ethically, legally, and contributes to improving the quality of life for workers/families, local communities, and society as a whole, such as waste processing, infrastructure development, MSME development, and others. Geo Dipa Energi operates in the field of managing and utilizing geothermal energy for electricity generation. Management is in the Ciwidey area covering 3 villages. The program aims to provide skills, support independence, and open up opportunities to apply for jobs with a skills certificate in the automotive sector. Polban with Public Service Agency status can provide services to the community in the form of providing goods/services in carrying out its activities based on the principles of efficiency and productivity. The method of implementing community service is through financing the Geo Dipa Energi CSR program in collaboration with Polban and LSP TOP. The carburetor motorbike service cluster training and certification includes 22 competency items, 3 batches are implemented, the number of participants is 30, details for each batch consist of 8 days of training, 1 day of simulation, satisfaction survey, registration, online assessment, and 1 day of practical assessment. As a result of the assessment, all participants obtained the title of competent.</em></p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pelatihan Pembuatan Konten Promosi Bagi Pelaku UMKM Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi CANVA 2025-01-17T08:24:25+00:00 Faldy Irwiensyah Arafat Febriandirza <p><em>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are currently facing increasingly intense competition, particularly in the fields of digital marketing and branding. These two aspects have become essential skills that MSMEs must possess to compete in the digital space. The rapid development of digital competencies requires MSMEs to be ready to adapt by optimizing their use of digital media. Effective and targeted use of digital media is one of the key factors for MSMEs to achieve success. Therefore, MSME entrepreneurs need to enhance their ability to create engaging and interactive marketing content for promotion on digital platforms. As part of a community service initiative, training and mentoring activities were conducted to support MSME entrepreneurs, specifically DINARNIA Muslim Clothing Store. This training aimed to teach strategies for creating promotional content on digital media using the Canva application. Through this program, MSME entrepreneurs learned to utilize Canva, starting from creating an account, logging into the application, selecting templates, and adding images and text to the chosen templates. It is hoped that this training will assist MSMEs in promoting their products or services digitally, increasing sales, and ensuring business sustainability. The participants gained valuable insights into effectively using Canva, enabling them to advance their MSMEs to a better level. </em></p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Intervensi Edukasi Tuberkulosis: Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Menjadi Tindakan Pencegahan Pada Petugas PPSU Di Jakarta Barat 2025-01-17T11:52:36+00:00 Machrumnizar Machrumnizar Yuliana Yuliana Arleen Devita Hans Sutanto Utama <p><em>The high burden of tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia is still a public health problem, including in West Jakarta. The role of public infrastructure and facilities (PPSU) officers in the field plays an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the urban environment. They are a group that is vulnerable to exposure to infectious diseases such as TB. Appropriate education is needed to transform knowledge into real action in preventing TB, so it is necessary to improve knowledge and TB prevention actions in PPSU officers through educational intervention programs. The population of community service activities (PKM) are PPSU officers in West Jakarta, which is an area with a high incidence of TB. Education uses a socialization design through counseling related to TB, including transmission, symptoms, and prevention steps. Educational media using posters, brochures, and videos. Interactive training by providing simulations of TB prevention practices such as the use of masks and cough etiquette. The increase in participant knowledge is evaluated based on pre-test and post-test scores. Participants with good scores during the pre-test 24.6% became 87% in the post-test. The change in pre-test and post-test scores was significant with a p value &lt;0.05. The educational intervention program was effective in increasing the capacity of PPSU as TB prevention agents in their work environment. The results indicate the importance of implementing similar programs continuously to maintain the health of field workers to strengthen TB awareness and preventive actions in high-risk areas. </em></p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pemanfaatan Digital Parenting Internet Yang Sehat Bagi Anak-Anak Sekitar Kelurahan Sukasari 2025-01-11T14:13:24+00:00 Tri Santoso Sulistianto SW Andi Sanjaya <p><em>In today's increasingly advanced digital era, the use of the internet has become a very important part. Human life cannot be separated from the internet network. Because, the internet is a network system that can connect one device to another. In addition to computers, the internet can now also connect various gadgets and serve billions of users worldwide. The existence of the internet allows someone to search for the information they want. For example, looking for the latest news or accessing streaming services to watch their favorite drama series. However, the internet can have positive or negative impacts depending on the user. The internet has become a major component that supports the activities of modern society today. There are many impacts caused by children often accessing the internet, especially social media. This not only has positive but also negative impacts. For children who are able and understand the internet, they are more likely to use the internet positively, such as searching for information related to useful things such as the lessons they are studying. Meanwhile, one of the negative impacts is that children become addicted and spend a long time in cyberspace, looking for new things that are not appropriate for their age, even children access pornographic sites, cyberbullying and other negative impacts.</em></p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pengembangan Jaringan Metro Ethernet Menggunakan Metode Qinq Di PT.Aplikanusa Lintasarta 2025-01-20T09:04:30+00:00 Roni Sunjaya <p><em>In the current era of digitalization, data communication is very important, to support data communication needs, of course, a network is needed that is able to make data communication easy and able to reach all corners of the world. PT. Aplikanusa Lintasarta is one of the providers that provides Metro Ethernet network services to support data communication for its customers. One of the Metro Ethernet networks managed by PT. Aplikanusa Lintasarta is the network for GTT Communications, Inc. This study aims to develop a Metro Ethernet network that connects the location of DCI Bekasi with Sigma Sentul. Currently customers are in need of increasing the number of VLANs and want to add VLANs without the need to add or change VLANs on the provider side, for that the Metro Ethernet network development process is carried out using the QinQ method to overcome this problem. In its implementation, the development of the Metro Ethernet network focuses on the configuration process at each distribution switch port, both on the DCI Bekasi side and on the Sigma Sentul side. After the configuration is complete, it is continued with network testing based on the QOS (Quality of Service) parameters, the result is that networks using QinQ have a lower packet loss value of 0% compared to networks that do not use QinQ with a value of 0.006%, so for network latency using QinQ more stable with a latency value of 5ms, while a Metro Ethernet network that does not use QinQ has a higher latency value of 26ms.</em></p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pemanfaatan Air Pit Lake Tambang Batubara Sebagai Media Tanam Kangkung Sistem Hidroponik 2025-01-03T06:59:07+00:00 Maharani Rindu Widara Arrina Khanifa Chairul Salam M <p><em>This study aims to evaluate the effect of using pit lake water of Mekar Jaya Village with and without the addition of alum on the growth of kale plants in hydroponics. Observations were made every three days to measure plant height, leaf length, and number of leaves per plant, the results of which were presented in tables and line diagrams. The results showed that kale plants using water with alum experienced an average height increase of 2 cm, leaf length of 1-1.5 cm, and number of leaves of 1-4 strands every three days. In contrast, plants without alum showed growth of up to 5 cm in height, 0.4-0.5 cm in leaf length, and 1-2 leaves. Measurement of total plant weight showed that the growth of kale plants without alum was better than those with alum. These findings suggest that the use of alum in pit lake water is less effective in supporting the growth of kale plants in hydroponic systems.</em></p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pelatihan Siswa Jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak SMK Negeri 6 Kupang Dalam Rangka Kesiapan Ujian Kompetensi Keahlian (UKK) 2024-12-03T09:33:53+00:00 Yohanes Payong Eman Minggu Yampi R. Kasesmetan <p><em>Software engineering training is important for Vocational High School (SMK) students in facing the challenges of the Skills Competency Examination (UKK) in the industrial era 4.0. The literature review implies a gap between vocational school curricula and industry demands, emphasizing the need for additional training to prepare students with relevant practical skills. Previous research shows that collaboration with industry and the use of effective learning methods can improve the UKK results of vocational school students. There is a significant increase in students' knowledge absorption capacity after attending the training. The t-test value of -18.375 with a significance of 0.000 shows that the difference in absorption capacity before and after training is very statistically significant. This means that the training provided has been effective in increasing students' understanding of database programming concepts. The training program that has been implemented has achieved its main objectives. Namely improving students' abilities in understanding and applying database programming concepts.</em></p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Strategi Peningkatan Kapasitas Paralegal Desa Deme Dua Dalam Penanganan Kasus Hukum Dengan Prinsip Etika 2025-01-20T14:07:26+00:00 Nurwita Ismail Muslim Kasim Nurlin Lasambo <p><em>Along with the times, the number and complexity of legal cases in the village also increased. Paralegals who have a good capacity can help handle these cases more efficiently and effectively. In remote villages, access to professional lawyers or legal aid agencies is often limited. Paralegals who have a good capacity can be an important alternative in providing legal assistance. Paralegals who have adequate capacity can play an active role in resolving conflicts at the local level, such as land disputes or family matters, so there is no need to take them to higher courts. As mandated by Article 9 of Law Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid. It is undeniable that the handling of legal cases must be based on ethical principles to maintain public integrity and trust. Paralegals trained in ethical principles can ensure that the case handling process is carried out fairly and transparently. Villages have a very important role in supporting the implementation of legal aid in their communities, namely by providing Facilitation of Access to Training and Education, in addition to which Villages can collaborate with legal aid institutions, universities, and non-governmental organizations to hold training and workshops for paralegals and the community, and can initiate legal counseling programs involving paralegals to disseminate legal knowledge to residents. Village communities can be facilitated to gain access to legal and educational information related to their rights.</em></p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Peran Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka (Penyusunan Asesmen Dan Modul Layanan) MGBK Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur 2025-01-24T04:18:19+00:00 Julinda Siregar Sahat T Simorangkir Verry Jekson Panjaitan <p><em>The purpose of this activity is to help Guidance and Counseling teachers in East Jakarta to be able to prepare assessments and service modules in the independent curriculum and to be able to accept every change with the aim of improving the quality of education. After the teachers attended the MGMP workshop on the role of guidance and counseling teachers in the independent curriculum, the PkM team conducted an interview with the Head of MGMP to find out the changes seen in the behavior of guidance and counseling teachers, especially in preparing service modules. The MGMP workshop went smoothly and the teachers were very happy and enthusiastic to listen to the presentation of material from the speakers. The Head of MGMP also explained that the teachers were happy with the PkM activities carried out by the Unindra Postgraduate Lecturer. The speaker explained that the independent curriculum is a curriculum that has been presented flexibly, and is implemented with a fun guidance and counseling service model that is prepared according to the content in the service program that has been prepared by guidance and counseling teachers in the service module. Furthermore, the speakers also said that in order to be able to innovate, guidance and counseling teachers must continue to develop themselves through training, seminars, workshops and also further studies. </em></p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Evaluasi Efektivitas Program Pemeliharaan Belt Conveyor 6E1U02 Terhadap Produktivitas Unit Raw Mill PT. Semen Tonasa Menggunakan Metode Reability Centered Maintenance (RCM) 2025-01-27T08:22:17+00:00 Syamsumarlin Taha Muhammad Arham Asnefi Muh. Rais Rosihan Aminuddin Irwan Syarif Husni Mubarak Akhsan Hamka Muhammad Facheruddin BJ Jumiati Usman <p><em>This study evaluates the effectiveness of the maintenance program aimed at identifying the causes of downtime in machines or equipment at the raw mill unit of PT. Semen Tonasa, which consists of three main sections: mechanical, electrical, and production. Based on data analysis, it was found that the causes of downtime were evenly distributed, with mechanical and production each contributing 31%, and electrical contributing 38%. The dominant cause of downtime was found in the production section, with the main issue being a broken gearbox protection. Over the past six months, the gearbox component failed twice, resulting in a total downtime of 22.30 hours. To address this issue, Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) was applied to identify the components responsible for machine failure. The results identified four key components contributing to downtime: the gearbox chain, Belt Conveyor, bucket elevator, and motor. The maintenance decisions taken included failure finding and time-directed life-renewal restoration for the gearbox, bucket elevator, and motor, as well as lubrication and time-directed life-renewal restoration for the Belt Conveyor chain. The expected outcome is an improvement in the reliability and performance of the machines at the raw mill unit of PT. Semen Tonasa.</em></p> 2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Pembuatan Dan Instalasi Penerangan Jalan Umum (PJU) Artistik Berbasis Panel Surya Di RT 20 Seladu, Desa Parit Raja, Sambas 2025-01-26T16:53:17+00:00 Pande Putu Agus Santoso Iklas Sanubary Iman Syahrizal Irma Fahrizal Butzi Ningsih Amien Rais Herry Siswanto Hafizan Zuhri Basha Ayumi <p><em>The Community Service Program aims to install an artistic Public Street Lighting (PSL) based on solar panels in RT 20 Seladu, Parit Raja Village, Sambas. The problem that based this program was the people of RT 20 Seladu difficult to do activities at night because there were none lighting on the street. On the other hand, this region has abundant solar energy potential, because it was located near to the equator. This program uses the PALS method which consists of three stages: awareness, capacitation, and monitoring. The awareness stage was carried out to provide an understanding of the use of renewable energy for street lighting. The capacitance stage focuses on the manufacturing and installation of PSL based on solar panel. At the monitoring stage, inspection and maintenance activities were carried out for PSL units based on solar panels that have been installed. The result of the activity was that four PSL based on solar panel have been successfully established. These four PSL function well. PSL was capable of turning on automatically at night and turning off automatically when the solar panel was exposed by sunlight. During the day PSL was able to convert sunlight into electricity and store it on the battery. During the monitoring process, it was known that 2 PSLs experienced a power outage. After being inspected, it turned out that the lights were broken. Repairs were made by lowering the PSL light pole and replacing the light bulb while cleaning the surface of solar panel. This PSL was made with a lock down system, where the light pole and the foundation were connected by bolts. This causes the maintenance and repair process to be carried out efficiently.</em></p> 2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat