Pendampingan Siswa Dalam Pencegahan Cyberbulliying
Bullying that occurs among students is not only done directly but is mostly done indirectly (online). The purpose of this service is to assist students in preventing cyberbullying so that students have an understanding of cyberbullying behavior among students, help students know how to avoid cyberbullying, increase the confidence of students who experience cyberbullying, and prevent students from bullying behavior. The steps in the implementation of this service are the preparation and implementation of (1) initial assessment, (2) provision of material, (3) practical assignment, (4) final assessment. The result of this service is an increase of 57% related to the understanding of cyberbullying for students.
Langos, C. (2012). Cyberbullying: The challenge to define. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(6),
Barlett, C. & Coyne, S.M. (2014). A meta- analysis of sex differences in cyber- bullying behaviour: The moderating role of age. Journal of Aggressive Behavior. DOI:10.1002/ab.2155.
UNICEF. (5 Februari 2019). Safer Internet Day: UNICEF calls for concerted action to prevent bullying and harassment for the over 70 per cent of young people online worldwide. Diunduh pada 1 Juli 2020
melalui releases/safer-internet-day-unicef-calls-concerted-action-prevent- bullying- and-harassment
Sasson, H. & Mesch, G.S. (2014). Parental Mediation, Peer Norms and Risky Online Behaviors among Adolescents.
Computers in Human Behavior, 33,32-38.
Fanti, K.A., Demetriou, A.G. & Hawa, V.V. (2012). A longitudinal study of cyberbullying: Examining risk and protective factors. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9 (2), 168–181