Implementasi Manajemen Bandwidth Dan Konfigurasi Proxy Server Untuk Optimalisasi Quality Of Service Menggunakan Routerboard RB951Ui-2nd


  • Purwantoro Universitas Pamulang
  • Niki Ratama Universitas Pamulang


Manajemen Bandwidth, Proxy Server, MikroTik, Simple Queue


In today's era along with the times, the internet network is needed in finding information because the internet is used as a source of information and exchange data in real time. Therefore, the internet is used in daily human activities, especially in the world of education. In the world of education, the internet is used as a means of online learning and as a source for finding learning materials related to education. In an educational institution, the number of users connected to the internet network is very large, which allows problems on the internet network such as poor network quality and difficulty accessing learning media sites on the network because there is no network management that regulates the amount of bandwidth for each user. The right solution to overcome this problem is to implement bandwidth management and proxy server configuration as the method used to manage the bandwidth provided by the network service provider. The design method used in the application of the network is NDLC (Network Development Life Cycle). By applying the bandwidth management method and proxy server configuration, the quality of the network will be better because the bandwidth will be divided equally according to the configuration applied and users will be limited to access a certain site.


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How to Cite

Purwantoro, & Niki. (2023). Implementasi Manajemen Bandwidth Dan Konfigurasi Proxy Server Untuk Optimalisasi Quality Of Service Menggunakan Routerboard RB951Ui-2nd. BINER : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Dan Multimedia, 1(3), 796–806. Retrieved from