Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penegakkan Hukum Dalam Penerapan Keadilan Restoratif (Restorative Justice) Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang Tahun 2020-2023
Keadilan Restoratif, Jaksa, Penegakan HukumAbstract
Restorative justice is a process where the parties involved in a particular violation meet to resolve the issue together on how to resolve the consequences of the violation for the sake of the future. The purpose of this study was to determine law enforcement in the application of Restorative Justice at the Pangkalpinang District Attorney's Office and to determine the inhibiting factors in the application of Restorative Justice at the Pangkalpinang District Attorney's Office. The method used in this study is empirical juridical with a case and law approach. The results of this study are that the Pangkalpinang District Attorney's Office in handling Restorative Justice cases has been in accordance with the concept of law enforcement itself, where in resolving the case the Public Prosecutor provides mediation which is carried out transparently and safely so that the victim feels heard and the perpetrator can admit his mistake without any coercion from any party. However, there are supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the application of Restorative Justice. Supporting factors such as the provision of a special room to handle restorative justice cases and the existence of a Restorative Justice hall and the inhibiting factors are on the part of the victim himself who does not want to reconcile.
Agus, Keadilan Restoratif, Yogyakarta, Cahaya Atma Pustaka,2015, hlm.80
Bambang Waluyo, Penelitian Hukum Dalam Praktek, Jakarta, Sinar Grafika, hlm. 15, 2002
Endi Arofa, Penghentian Penuntutan Dalam Perkara Pidana berdasarkan Restorative Justice, Jurnal Surya Kencana Dua : Dinamika Masalah Hukum dan Keadilan, Universitas Pamulang, Vol. 7 No. 2, hlm 319, 2020
Data Kasus Restorative Justice di Kejaksaan Negeri Kota Pangkalpinang
https://bangka.tribunnews.com/, Kejari Pangkalpinang Lakukan Restorative Justice Terhadap Perkara Penganiyaan Satpam Poltekkes : Diakses pada tanggal 4 September 2024.
Haposan Siallagan, Penerapan Prinsip Negara Hukum di Indonesia, Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, Sosiohumaniora, Universitas Padjadjaran, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2016
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang
Prasetyo, Hukum Pidana Edisi Revisi, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2016
Peraturan Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 15 Tahun 2020 tentang Penghentian Penuntutan Berdasarkan Keadilan Restorative
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, hlm. 126, 2012
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang.
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, hlm. 126, 2012
Bambang Waluyo, Penelitian Hukum Dalam Praktek, Jakarta, Sinar Grafika, hlm. 15, 2002
https://bangka.tribunnews.com/, Kejari Pangkalpinang Lakukan Restorative Justice Terhadap Perkara Penganiyaan Satpam Poltekkes : Diakses pada tanggal 4 September 2024.
Agus, Keadilan Restoratif, Yogyakarta, Cahaya Atma Pustaka,2015, hlm.80
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang
Hasil Wawancara Bersama Bapak Kausar (Jaksa Penuntut Umum Restorative Justice), 17 April 2024, jam 12.07 WIB, Di Kejaksaan Negeri Pangkalpinang