Advancements in Detection and Mitigation: Fortifying Against APTs - A Comprehensive Review


  • Aashesh Kumar Illinois institute of technology, Chicago,
  • Muhammad Fahad Washington University of Science and Technology, Alexandria Virginia
  • Haroon Arif Illinois institute of technology, Chicago,
  • Hafiz Khawar Hussain DePaul University Chicago, Illinois


collaborative defense, endpoint security, network segmentation, access control, encryption, data protection, user training, awareness, detection, mitigation, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), behavioral analytics, real-time monitoring, incident response, and advanced persistent threats (APTs).


Organizations' cyber security posture is severely challenged by Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), necessitating a multifaceted defense strategy. Traditional methods, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), behavioral analytics, real-time monitoring, incident response, collaborative defense mechanisms, endpoint security enhancements, network segmentation and access control, encryption, data protection, and user training and awareness are just a few of the strategies and advancements in APT detection and mitigation that are examined in this review article. Every tactic is thoroughly reviewed, emphasizing its value in thwarting APT attacks and offering best practices for execution. By utilizing these cutting-edge methods and encouraging cooperation amongst enterprises, it is feasible to improve defenses against APTs and lessen the likelihood that they will affect vital assets and data.




How to Cite

Aashesh Kumar, Muhammad Fahad, Haroon Arif, & Hafiz Khawar Hussain. (2024). Advancements in Detection and Mitigation: Fortifying Against APTs - A Comprehensive Review. BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu, 3(1), 141–150. Retrieved from

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