Hegemoni Budaya Masyarakat Dalam Film KKN Di Desa Penari Karya Simpleman (Kajian Hegemoni Gramchi)
Hegemony, Culture, Film, Dancer VillageAbstract
This study raised the KKN film in the dancer village using the Gramchi hegemony analysis knife. Hegemony in Gramchi's view is power gained through the peaceful and consensual domination of a class by another class. The film shows the culture of the dancer village community who are hegemonized by existing beliefs and customs. The culture is very thick with mystical values. They believe and value these beliefs as a patent rule from their ancestors. For one, they used to believe that girls were only wretched so they sacrificed girls and covered their headstones with black cloth. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques watching the entire content of the film, recording, classifying and analyzing scene dialogue using Gramchi's hegemony theory. The results of this study describe the prohibition and public trust and penalties for anyone who violates the patent rules.
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