
  • Syarifah Nurhalizah Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Meisia Viona Valensia Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Karina Dwi Maharani Universitas Bangka Belitung


Autonomy, Decentralization, Government


Indonesia is a unitary state with the highest power in the hands of the president. The principle of a decentralized unitary state (autonomy) includes certain tasks that must be carried out by the local government itself. The form of a unitary state is a last resort. Without exception, everyone must agree to the formulation of the composition of this country without exception. Since independence, various efforts have been made to strengthen the unitary state. With regard to the composition of the state, the Constitution covers various regions of the Republic of Indonesia, such as the states of provinces and districts/cities which have their own government which regulates and controls the administration of government under their own authority through the principle of decentralization and also the principle of deconcentration as one of the characteristics of the state. unity or in other words a single state. In the next government cabinet structure we need to ensure that we can facilitate better coordination and synchronization in solving various problems, both between ministries, agencies and between central and regional relations. As part of strengthening the presidential system, the relationship between the central and local governments must be aligned for good coordination, policy synchronization and strong cooperation. In this way, we can coordinate developments planned by the central, provincial, district or city governments in harmony.


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How to Cite

Syarifah Nurhalizah, Meisia Viona Valensia, & Karina Dwi Maharani. (2022). KESEIMBANGAN HUBUNGAN PEMERINTAH PUSAT DENGAN PEMERINTAH DAERAH DALAM EFEKTIFITAS SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN. BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu, 1(03), 409–417. Retrieved from