
  • Siti Hotimah Universitas Pamulang


Effectiveness, COVID-19, Health Quarantine


Since the enactment of PPKM many the community, especially in the City of South Tangerang, do not comply with the regulations that have been determined by the government, such as not complying with wearing masks, not crowding, and reduce nocturnal activities. When PPKM was implemented, there were still many shops, angkringan, and street vendors that were open until after eight o'clock night so that during the implementation of PPKM the number of decreased cases of Covid-19 was not stable. The prolonged pandemic situation has made the community, especially the traders, making a living in the people's market and its surroundings is a dilemma between complying PPKM provisions or violate them for the sake of survival. As for the problems in this thesis is How effective is the Implementation of the PPKM Policy in Handling of Covid19 in South Tangerang City Based on Law no. 6 of 2018 About Health Quarantine. What are the Constraints and obstacles to the implementation of the Policy PPKM in Handling Covid-19 in South Tangerang City Based on Law No.6 2018 Concerning Health Quarantine.The research method used is empirical juridical by using primary and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly through interview observations conducted with several related parties in this study, while secondary data is data collected from library study. The results of the research show the effectiveness of PPKM implementation in the City South Tangerang is not good enough, the lack of public awareness of the dangers of Covid 19 so that cooperation between the community and law enforcement is needed. Obstacles and the obstacles encountered in the implementation of PPKM in South Tangerang City No balance of facilities and infrastructure in handling Covid-19 patients in hospitals become the closest reference, as well as not imposing strict sanctions on people who caught not complying with PPKM provisions.


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How to Cite

Siti Hotimah. (2022). EFEKTIFITAS KEBIJAKAN PEMBERLAKUAN PEMBATASAN KEGIATAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENANGGULANGAN COVID-19 BERDASARKAN UU NO. 6 TAHUN 2018 TENTANG KEKARANTINAAN KESEHATAN. BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu, 1(06), 1339–1343. Retrieved from https://journal.mediapublikasi.id/index.php/bullet/article/view/2079