Analisa Komparasi Metode SAW, WP Dan TOPSIS Dalam Penentuan Pinjaman KOPERASI VENTURA
Organization or company. Making decisions to determine payments is very useful because by making the right decisions, lending can run smoothly. loans/financing of funds to 100,000 MSMEs. The SAW method is a method that has a function to find the best results from various shortcuts. the SAW method is to determine the weight of the value of each attribute, then choose various predetermined alternatives so that one alternative is selected. This method usually evaluates alternative criteria against attributes and criteria. TOPSIS has a basic design which states that the chosen alternative that has the shortest distance from the positive value will still have a negative value distance. SAW method accuracy test is only 60%. test the accuracy of the WP method. It can be concluded that the level of accuracy is 85%. Test the accuracy of the Topsis method is only 50%. a. Of the three methods SAW, WP, TOPSIS can help reduce subjective judgments in determining lending. b. Among the SAW, WP AND TOPSIS methods, it appears that the WP method is more accurate than the SAW and TOPSIS methods. It can be seen from the results of the accuracy of the three methods, the WP method gets the highest score of 85%.
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