Pengujian Aplikasi Presensi SDN Paku Jaya 02 Secara Black Box


  • Aldiansyah Universitas Pamulang
  • Muhamad Husni Ramadhan Universitas Pamulang
  • Ovi Nur Afifa Universitas Pamulang
  • Trisna Ayu Silvia Universitas Pamulang
  • Aries Saifudin Universitas Pamulang


Presensi, Sekolah, Sistem, Data, Siswa


SDN Paku Jaya 02 in carrying out the attendance process already uses the Attendance Application which can be accessed via a special school's. So for those who want to do absenteeism can directly visit these computers. The application sometimes still experiences damage where when students take attendance it is sometimes not detected. Because of this, we plan to test the presence application. The method we use in conducting this test is to conduct a survey first. The survey was conducted to collect data regarding the attendance application. Then we conducted interviews with the school and those in control of the application. And finally we tested the application. After doing the black box testing of the attendance application, the results show that the application is good. With a system that is easy to access by students and teachers. And the system can run according to its function. Based on the tests that have been carried out, we conclude that the attendance application system is included in a system that is easy to access and easy to use. At the time of testing the system runs according to the results we expect. So the system is included in a successful system.


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How to Cite

Aldiansyah, Husni Ramadhan, M., Ovi, Ayu Silvia, T., & Saifudin, A. (2023). Pengujian Aplikasi Presensi SDN Paku Jaya 02 Secara Black Box . BISIK : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Hukum, Kesehatan Dan Sosial Humaniora, 1(4 : Desember), 350–353. Retrieved from

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