Dampak Positif Dan Negatif Sosial Media Pada Kaum Milenial
Sosial Media, Wawasan, Ilmu, PengabdianAbstract
Social media is a tool to make it easier to find information, communicate and expand insights. Social media is also biased to make it difficult for us to be smart, we are not biased to use it properly and correctly. Because in fact smart people always use their time well and correctly. In today's all-digital era, social media has affected various aspects of life including education undeniably. This service activity aims to provide assistance to students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Sa'adatuddarain 1 Pamulang Barat, Banten in operating Social Media to use it properly. With this activity, it is hoped that it can make it easier for students to find information and find insights using social media. The methods used in an effort to achieve the targets or goals that have been planned are lectures and discussions. The result of this activity is the increase in the knowledge of students related to adding knowledge with the use of social media. Students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Sa'adatuddarain 1 Pamulang Barat feel helped by this program so that they can use social media properly and correctly, such as seeking knowledge and adding insight. Students gave a very positive response to the activities carried out and judged this activity to be very useful.
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