Pendampingan Kewirausahaan Produk Aroma Terapi “Himanodekh Potpouuri”


  • Iman Supriadi STIE Mahardhika
  • Leonard Adrie Manafe STIE Mahardhika
  • Burhan Stafrezar STIE Mahardhika
  • Kusuma Adi Rahardjo STIE Mahardhika
  • Teguh Herdijanto STIE Mahardhika
  • Mesya Aulia Nurjami STIE Mahardhika
  • Devi Meilina STIE Mahardhika
  • Novita Eka Sulistyia Rini STIE Mahardhika


Entrepreneurship, Business, Aromatherapy, Accounting, Management


Along with the times and the growing economy, more and more students are interested in starting their own business. The student entrepreneurship program exists as a forum for developing entrepreneurial skills and helping to hone their potential, so that students can become agents of change that have a positive impact on society. This program is expected to create more jobs and increase student independence in entrepreneurship. This program is held in semester 5 where it will be implemented from September to December 2022. The product produced is aromatherapy. Activities include the stages of planning, implementing, evaluating and analyzing the results of activities which include financial, marketing and production factors.


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How to Cite

Supriadi, I. ., Adrie Manafe, L. ., Stafrezar, B. ., Adi Rahardjo, K. ., Herdijanto, T. ., Aulia Nurjami, M. ., Meilina, D. ., & Eka Sulistyia Rini , N. . (2023). Pendampingan Kewirausahaan Produk Aroma Terapi “Himanodekh Potpouuri” . AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(4), 320–328. Retrieved from

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