Perancangan Game Edukasi Menyusun Huruf Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini
Game Edukasi, Alfabet, Buah-buahan, Hewan, Bahasa InggrisAbstract
The game is one of the factors that is quite important in the growth and development of children. Utilization and use of educational games can support the learning process for children. At the educational stage of elementary school age children, children will tend to be more interested in games that are easy to play and in which there are bright colors and animated images that attract attention. The result of research in the field of neurology conducted by Benjamin S.Bloom, an education expert from the University of Chicago, United States, suggest that the growth of brain tissue cells in children aged 0-4 years reaches 50% until the age of 8 years reaches 80%. So, childhood from the age of 0-8 years is called the golden age or the Golden Age. At this age, they are at time of the most rapid growt and development both physically and mentally, so it is the right time for the development of their lifelong learning. However, there are still many applications of conventional learning systems both at school and at home, so that the system can sometimes cause a sense of boredom for children because it may not be interesting and interactive, especially because children like to learn while playing.
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